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June 2018

Marc Vooijs and his team just published a meta-analysis on the role of HIF2 in cancer. Check it out here.


Marc Vooijs and his team just published a comprehensive review on overcoming drug resistance by targeting Notch signaling in lung cancer Check it out here.


20 -june -18: Nature paper published

Marc Vooijs and Jolanda Piepers In collaboration with Lead investigator Dr Pierre Close at the Lab for Cancer signalling at University of Liege we published a Nature paper on a new translational mechanism for drug resistance involving HIF proteins Read more


15-june 2018:

Marc Vooijs and our Neuro-Oncology team at MUMC+ and the Maastricht Comprehensive Cancer Center Maastricht were awarded a KWF / Alpe d'HuZes Unique High Risk Grant: "Glioma organoids as patient avatars to improve precision medicine" (in dutch read more)


Jan-2018: Autophagy paper published.

Kasper Rouschop and his team published an important paper on the role of EGFRVIII driver mutations and their dependence on autophagy check it out.


june  - 2016: Cell paper published

Marc Vooijs and his team in a collaboration with lead investigator Wim Annaert and Bart de Strooper from the VIB Center for the Biology of Disease at the KU Leuven co-authored a publication in Cell  Sannerud et al., Cell 2016 Jun 30;166(1):193-208. Sannerud et al report that g-secretase localisation determines substrate specificity and has impact on FAD mutations in Alzheimer's disease.


Kasper Rouschop: Profile Maastro lab investigator research at Dutch Cancer Society : read more


Philippe Lambin was awarded an ERC advanced grant of 2,5 million euro for HYPOXIMMUNO "Tackling the Achilles Heel of Immunotherapy: Validating imaging biomarkers and targeting the immunological niche of tumour hypoxia"  read more


Jan Theys , L. Dubois and P. Lambin were awarded the Alpe d'HuZes Unieke Kansen / Baanbrekend onderzoek grant of 2,1 M euro "From men to mice and back again – completing a 60 year innovation cycle with “armed” clostridia as safe and specific weapons to fight cancer. The project is a collaboration with University of Auckland and Victoria in New Zealand and University of Nottingham in the UK and aims to introduce anarobic bacteria as vehicles for effective targeted tumor treatments into patients. read more


Marc Vooijs Ludwig Dubois and Kasper Rouschop were awarded the Alpe d'HuzesUnieke kansen High Risk award on studying Lipid lowering drugs in treatment response of Glioblastoma".


(15-12-2015)Dr Ala Yaromina wins ESTRO ACCURAY Award 2016, Congrats !

In even years, the amount of €7,500 is awarded to a radiotherapy professional for research in the field of radiobiology, radiation physics, clinical radiotherapy or radiation technology, during the ESTRO Annual Congress. Click for more info

(10-10-2015) New grant Autophagy associated extracellular vesicles in glioblastoma multiforme: new players in hypoxia-associated tumour progression for Kasper Rouschop 


3rd Symposium on Precision Image-Guided Small Animal RadioTherapy, Ghent (Belgium), March 21-23, 2016


The Third Symposium on the exciting new research field of Precision Image-guided Small Animal RadioTherapy will be held from March 21-23 2016  in beautiful Ghent, Belgium.The previous Symposium was held in August 2014 in Vancouver, Canada.

The following link provides you with all the information about this exciting new initiative. Participation is limited to 150 participants.

We would appreciate it if you could forward this to colleagues who may be interested in this topic

Ludwig Dubois, PhD receives VARIAN Juliane Denekamp Award in Radiation Biology @ 14th Wolfsberg meeting for Molecular Radiation Biology meeting in Ermatingen Switzerland. Check out the Award pictures


Nicolle Rekers , MSc receives Lean Scientist Best Pitch Award 2015. Check this out.

Jan Theys , PI Maastro Lab has joined MaastroClinic team in

the 2015 Ropa Run from Paris to Rotterdam on 23 May,

Read their story and donate. Check out this these running pictures from 2014 RopaRun and run for life 

10th International Carbonic Anhydrase Conference
10th Carbonic Anhydrase meeting will take place from 20th – 22th April 2015 IN MAASTRICHT. Aims are to inspire the leaders of clinical and experimental radiation oncology and biology through interactive interdisciplinary exchange of scientific knowledge, frontier research, ideas and opinions. REGISTRATION OPEN

We just published a book: 100 Years of History of Radiotherapy in Limburg (lees verder)

ERC Consolidator  for NOTCH  Group 
Read more
MAASTRICHT, 16 januari 2014
ERC Consolidator Grant voor Marc Vooijs van Maastricht UMC+. Vooijs en team gaat het geld van ruim 1,8 miljoen euro gebruiken voor onderzoek naar het effectiever maken van therapie bij kanker.
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