INTO-PROT: Increasing therapeutic window of proton therapy in brain, head and neck cancer
Period: 2019-2023
C-PI workpackage leader: Prof. Marc Vooijs
Sum: 1,6m€
Sum to person: 1,0 FTE Researcher + benchfee
Funded by: KWF
Marie-Curie International Training Network (ITN) THERADNET, 14 PhD
Period: 2019-2022
Project Coordinator: University of Zurich, (Co-PI)
Other participants: Maastricht, Leuven, Dresden, Paris, Essen, Zurich, Oxford
Sum: 4,300 K
Sum to person: 1 PhD - UM
Funded by: EU
Glioma organoids as patient avatars to improve precision medicine
Grant # UM 2018-11698
period 2018-2020
Project Coordinator: Prof. Marc Vooijs
Sum : 150 K€
Funded by: KWF/ Unieke Kansen , Hoog Risico Alpe d'Huzes
Can lipid lowering drugs improve treatment response in Glioblastoma
Grant # UM 2015-2018
period 2016-2018
Project Coordinator: Prof. Marc Vooijs
Sum : 150 K€
Funded by: KWF/ Unieke Kansen , Hoog Risico Alpe d'Huzes
RADIATE: Radiation Innovations for Therapy and Education
Grant:# 642623
Period: 2015-2018
Project coordinator: University of Oxford , UK
Other participants: Maastricht, Leuven, Dresden, Paris, Essen, Zurich
Sum of contract in Euro’s: 3500 K
Sum to person; 14 PhD
Funded by: H2020 Marie-Curie International Training Network (ITN)
Targeting Notch/g-secretase to enhance standard treatment for non-small cell lung cancer
Grant# 13-1197
Period: 2013-2016
Project coordinator: Prof. Marc Vooijs
Sum awarded: 280 K€
Funded by: World Wide Cancer Research (formerly AICR)
Capitalizing on Notch Biomarkers (CapNOTCH)
Grant # 334987
Period: 2013-2014
Project coordinator: Prof. Marc Vooijs
Sum awarded: 150 K€
Funded by: ERC PoC (Proof of Concept)
Disabling radiation resistance in Cancer treatment (DIRECT)
Grant # 617060
Period: 2013-2018
Project coordinator: Prof. Marc Vooijs
Sum awarded: 1,85 M€
Funded by: ERC-Consolidator grant
Targeting the Notch protease interface (NOTCH PROTEOLYSIS)
Grant # 208259
Period 2008-2014
Project coordinator: Prof Marc Vooijs
Sum awarded: 1,2 M€
Funded: ERc Starting grant (ERC-Stg)
Extracellulaire vesicles als therapeutisch target ter verbetering van glioblastoom-therapie –deel 1
Period: 2020
Project coordinator: Kasper Rouschop
Funded by: Zeldzame Ziekten Fonds/rare diseases fund
Sum of contract in Euro’s: € 60.000
Elevating autophagy-dependence of hypoxic Glioblastoma cells for increased therapeutic benefit
Period: 2020-2024
Project coordinator: Kasper Rouschop
Other participants: Bradly Wouters (UM/UHN Toronto Canada)
Funded by: KWF
Sum awarded: € 498.500
Autophagy associated extracellular vesicles in glioblastoma multiforme: new players in hypoxia-associated tumour progression?
Period: 2016-2019
project coordinator: Dr. Kasper Rouschop
Funded by: Worldwide Cancer Research (formerly AICR)
Sum of contract in Euro’s: € 295.000
Hypoxia associated exosomes: a new target in hypoxia-associated tumour aggressiveness?
Period: 2015-2019
project coordinator: Dr. Kasper Rouschop
Funded by: KWF project grant
Sum of contract in Euro’s: € 563.100
GABARAPL1 associated exosomes: a new target in hypoxia-associated tumour aggressiveness?.
# UM2015-7735
project coordinator: Dr. Kasper Rouschop
Funded by: KWF
Hypoxia-induced autophagy: a therapeutic target for cancer therapy?
# UM 2010-4714
Period: 2010-2014
Project coordinator: Dr. Kasper Rouschop
Funded by: KWF
Autophagy signaling, an essential requirement for tumor microenvironment maintenance and therefore a therapeutic target
#UM 2012-5506
Project coordinator: Dr. Kasper Rouschop
Period: 2012-2018
Funded by: KWF